Vandanam and Swagatham

Telugu Connect.Net is created with an intention to make every one to connect and improve Telugu use in the World. And also this likes to bring together all Telugus in the world to make one single largest community to demand active share of this world.

We present certain observations here, which you can Share and Send to your Friends and also to the authorities.

How it works:

1. We present an observation, where Telugu is not given a due place in not more than 300 words.

2. If you feel the observation is reasonable, you can Share in the Social Media and also you can send your demand/petition, so as to make a real impact on the Society and particularly in the use of Telugu.

3. The demand will be sent to concerned authority, whose e-mail is being mentioned on the top. You can also read, the actual matter being sent by clicking on “Read the Petition”. Give your e-mail address and click on Submit or Sign Now. You have to visit your e-mail and confirm the link provided, so as the mail will be sent to the mentioned e-mail address. Otherwise your act is incomplete.

As more and more mails lands in the mail box of the authority, it will make the authority to take a decision to implement the same.

3. You can also send your feelings/observations about a particular organisation or activity, where Telugu is not given due importance, in not more than 300 words by using Contact Form, so as they may be published here

4. It is a Social Site exclusively for Telugu Language and Community Development and your participation is required

5. We are not using Telugu in this site, since the popular Google is not having aesthetic Telugu fonts. We will only use Google fonts, once they are improved.

Your Comments, Suggestions, Remarks and Appreciations may be sent to the mail or use Contact Form.